The Kenya police under the leadership of the highly trained military man( Rtd) Major general ALI during the 2007/8 PEV IN KENYA did a perfect job in doing what the politicians wanted..IE stop and crush by all means any resistance from the public once it was obvious that the incumbent government was loosing the elections.
We all watched live on TV as all the pieces fall in place and the mayhem that followed
After the whole thing was contained there were over 1300 official deaths and of these more than three thirds were from gunshot wounds.
We all know who fired these bullets that caused those wounds and deaths
NOW that acampos men are in town we are now seeing a circus
no politician is talking as we see the police chiefs being pushed around to record statements
The politicians failed to agree and let people have their will but instead used the security forces and the criminal gangs that changed Kenya for ever.
but FROM what am seeing unfold they will lay the blame on ALI and his men .i can see the folly being so efficient in doing your job
where will the back end ?
this kind of talk in not sawa sawa